This 100% whole wheat loaf is moist and delicious with a hint of sweetness. This bread is quick and easy to make and the result is very rewarding. Here is proof that healthy does not need to be boring or painful to swallow, make this for breakfast and let us know how much you enjoyed it.
- 750g whole-wheat flour
- 15g granulated sugar
- 15g molasses (honey or maple syrup will work)
- 30g vegetable oil
- 25g milk powder
- 520g water
- 15g salt
- 10g yeast instant yeast
- Melted butter (optional, for brushing hot bread to give a shine)
- Weigh all the ingredients and add to a mixing bowl. If you have a stand mixer, mix on first speed till all ingredients are incorporated before increasing to second speed for 5 more minutes. If mixing by hand, mix in the bowl till the dough comes together, then turn in it out to your work bench and knead till dough is smooth and elastic.
- Cover dough and let rise for 90 minutes. Dough should be doubled in size.
- Preheat the oven to 200˚C
- Turn risen dough out to floured surface and knock all the air bubbles out of the dough. Cut dough into two, each should weigh about 690g. I used 2 8×4-inch bread pans. You can bake them in loaf pans or shape them free form or into rolls. Let them proof again covered for about 40 minutes (they could be ready faster or take longer, depending on the temperature at home)
- For two loaves in pans, bake for about 20-22 minutes, after 15 minutes if bread is taking on too much colour, reduce temperature by 20˚C.
- Turn bread out immediately unto a cooling rack, brush the tops immediately with melted butter to give them a nice shiny finish and let cool down before slicing. Enjoy!