Chickpea Pancakes

I was going for a vegan, gluten free and nutrient dense breakfast and this recipe ticked all the boxes. When I picked chickpea flour for this pancake, I knew it had to be savoury since I do not particularly enjoy beans in sweet dishes. The first time I made it, I consumed the entire recipe […]
Chickpea Curry

Hello and welcome back to my blog! I have been on a bit of a break, sharing meals from my home on Instagram and Facebook, the feedback and recipe requests have been insightful as I am working to improve our content. It is no secret that I love chickpeas and I use them in every […]

Hey guys! It is World Vegan Day today and what better time to talk about legumes! I have been itching to write this article for the longest time! I did my diploma in Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching in the last year. Last February I gathered 25 different legumes and paired with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, […]