6 – 8 months baby food.

Congratulations!!! Baby is doing great and expecting these new meals. All the fruits from the last 2 months can be used here while adding new flavours for baby.  It is easy to make batches of these purees and freeze. Enjoy this adventure, I am now out of puree making phase and I look back with fond memories.

Butternut squash puree

100g butternut squash (peeled, deseeded and diced)

1 Irish potato (peeled and diced)

A few cauliflower florets (sliced)

2 teaspoons olive oil

Steam/cook till potato and squash are cooked, then puree.

Add olive oil and adjust consistency with baby milk or water if required.


Potato and broccoli

1 Irish potato (peeled and diced)

A few broccoli florets (about 3-5, sliced)

2 teaspoons olive oil

Steam/boil till potato and broccoli, till potato is cooked (about 20 minutes with the steamer), then puree.

Add olive oil and adjust consistency with milk or water if required.


Potato and cauliflower

1 Irish potato (peeled and diced)

A few cauliflower florets (about 3-5, sliced)

2 teaspoons olive oil

Steam/boil potato and cauliflower, till potato is cooked, then puree.

Add olive oil and adjust consistency with milk or water if required.


Sweet potato and cauliflower

100g sweet potato (peeled and diced)

A few cauliflower florets (sliced)

2 teaspoons olive oil

Steam/boil sweet potato and cauliflower till potato is cooked, then puree.

Add olive oil and adjust consistency with milk or water if required.


Potato and parsnip

1 Irish potato (peeled and diced)

½ parsnip (peeled and diced)

2 teaspoons olive oil

1 tablespoon baby milk

Steam/boil potato and parsnip till cooked, then puree.

Add olive oil and adjust consistency with milk or water if required.


Potato and peas

1 potato (peeled and diced)

¼ cup frozen peas

2 teaspoons olive oil

Steam/boil till potato is cooked.

Blanch frozen peas in boiling water. Puree potatoes and peas and add olive oil.


Sweet potato and carrot

100g sweet potatoes (peeled and diced)

1 carrot (peeled and diced)

Steam/boil potatoes and carrots till potatoes are cooked. Puree and add olive oil


Mashed banana

½ banana (you can eat half, unless you have twins then mash all)

Make sure baby is hungry before you start, banana oxides quickly when exposed to air and mashing it makes it turn black even faster.

Mash banana with a fork and feed baby immediately.


Peach Puree

1 peach

Wash peach. Mark an X with a sharp knife in the bottom of the peach and blanch in boiling water for 30 seconds.  This helps the skin come right off, just pull from the incisions. Cool immediately in cold water and puree.


Mashed avocado

¼ avocado (make guacamole for yourself with the rest)

Make sure baby is hungry before mashing this avocado, because it oxidizes very quickly and I think baby’s tummy might be sensitive to citrus so I don’t add citrus, I mash and feed immediately.


Potato and carrot

1 Irish potato

1 carrot

2 teaspoons olive oil+

Steam/boil till potato and carrot is cooked, then puree.

Add olive oil and adjust consistency with milk or water if required.





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