I love popcorn! I don’t know who made up movies and popcorn and I don’t care! I have been to seen several lousy movies just because of the popcorn, Reel Cinema at Dubai Mall has one of the best cinema popcorn I have had and trust me on this. I always ask for half salted and half caramel popcorn, because the caramel is too sweet for me and the salted doesn’t work for me. I always finish my popcorn before the movie actually starts, so much for movie pop corn and I secretly hope that other people do as well, if you sit beside someone that doesn’t chew properly, the movie is ruined and people create too many distractions with their popcorn, lets eat it all during commercial! My approach to this popcorn, was to have a salted caramel sauce that just lightly coats the popcorn and doesn’t drown it in sugar, the cayenne pepper was a suggestion from a pastry chef I know, and that hint of spice is amazing. I use lemon juice to stop the sugar from recrystallizing, most people use corn syrup for some reason I never have it in my pantry. The baking soda is literally just a pinch, it keeps the sauce fluid for pouring on the popcorn, if you use more baking soda, it will hurt so bad because it has this annoying taste you can’t get rid of, if you work fast enough, you can skip using the baking soda. It is such fun thing to make at home, you really don’t need special equipment, do not burn your popcorn and enjoy your movie!
- 1 cup popcorn grain (about 230g)
- 50g unsalted butter
- ½ cup brown sugar (100g)
- ¾ teaspoon salt
- ⅛ teaspoon baking soda (basically a pinch)
- ¼ cayenne pepper (optional)
- 1-2 teaspoons lemon juice (or corn syrup, stops the recrystallization of the sugar)
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- Preheat oven to 155˚C
- Line a baking tray with aluminium foil.
- Add vegetable oil and popcorn to a large pot (must have a cover), toss to completely coat corn in oil. Cook on medium high (number 7) till corn is completely popped. If you have other equipment for making popcorn, you can use it.
- To make the caramel sauce, melt butter in a sauce pan on medium heat and add sugar to the butter. Cook on medium heat to dissolve the sugar and add lemon juice or syrup. After 5 minutes or when sugar is dissolved, add baking soda, salt and cayenne pepper (if using) and mix. Take off the heat if popcorn is ready or reduce heat to 1. It will look bubbly and rough.
- Transfer hot popcorn to baking tray, quickly pour caramel sauce on it. Toss to coat pop corn in the sauce as well as possible.
- Toss baking tray into the oven and bake for about 10 -15 minutes, opening and turning popcorn frequently to avoid burning.